Our people

Someone once said that that great things in business are not done by one person, they are done by a team of people and we think that the team at Be Well is pretty great. These are the people currently doing the doing.

Our man in Whaley Bridge, Paul, is part of the backbone of Be Well, a volunteer who turns in week after week because he can see the good “their” session – in his case Walking Football – does for the people who experience it. A Derby County supporter, his dry sense of humour is a must-have in his role, as is managing the regulars is famously more challenging than herdiing cats.

Jayne is the mainstay of our operation and, having always taken care of our “back-office function”, has now taken charge. Her official job title is Chief Officer but we just call her “Boss”. When she’s not planning programmes or analysing attendance data you will find her talking to our partners or helping out with a Three Generations Parent &Toddler session. She joined the WellFit CIC board in 2017

You might recognise this suave and handsome man from the television as, in between leading our Tuesday Gentle Walks, Ian is what the Americans call a “background actor” or extra. He’s been on Corrie!

Officially our Inter-generational project developer, Vicky does everything from leading our social eating arm, Eat Well Glossop, to chatting to Gary Barlow on Zoom; for work! Unofficially she is the life and soul of the Be Well party. Our participants love her, our partners sing her praises and the rest of us just stay out of her way in case we get blown away.

The lovely Kirsti delivers our Dancercise sessions for us every week and we’re lucky to have her on the team. Her bubbly enthusiasm is infectious, and her lifelong love of dance means she has the experience to manage a room full of blissed out people dancing like nobody’s watching.

Having started Be Well in 2012, Chair Mick focusses on strategy, partnership building and finding funding. In his time with Be Well he has hobnobbed with a duke, kissed a Sports Minister and been hailed as a Public Health Hero but he is happiest when playing Walking Football, taking one or other of his many dogs on a Gentle Walk or drinking tea with the lovely people who come to our sessions.

Dave first encountered Be Well in a wet and cold horse pasture on the day before Christmas Eve 2016 and he has been getting more involved ever since. Dave has been a board member of the allotment CIC from the beginning and managed the plot since the beginning of 2018. In September 2020 he joined the board of WellFit CIC where his energy and wisdom is greatly valued. He certainly knows his onions!